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I started my professional career as an Android developer in December 2015. Since then, I have worked on multiple projects and with various companies. Through these experiences, I have learned a great deal and contributed to the development of successful apps.

Senior Android developer

Neo Financial (Jan 2023 - Mar 2024)

  1. Implemented and maintained several features utilized by +1M users across Canada, such as credit score monitoring, spend and cash flow analysis with graph visualizations.
  2. Boosted company's premier cashback card provider status in Canada via Rewards & Cashback Program development.
  3. Enhanced scalability through coroutine utilization, debugging, and optimizing Jetpack Compose functions, resulting in a 10% performance boost.
  4. Managed CI/CD pipelines with GitHub and Bitrise, seamlessly integrating Kotlin and Bash scripts for streamlined workflows.
  5. Utilizing a range of testing methodologies including End-to-End (E2E) testing with Compose UI, unit testing with JUnit, and screenshot testing with Paparazzi which covers 90% of app screens, ensured excellent code coverage and upheld product quality and reliability.
  6. Contributed to the integration of Google Play APIs, including the Review API, App Update API, Phone Auth API, and Payment API.

SameSystem (May 2020 - Dec 2022)

  1. Integrated beacon devices via bluetooth to automate attendance recording processes and developed HR tools including a working schedule calendar, automatic updates for working conditions and hours, and leave balance management functionalities.
  2. Utilized RxKotlin in a sleek MVVM setup, incorporating GraphQL for advanced data handling. Led migration from java to kotlin and Compose UI, alongside Dagger involvement , also Led initiative demonstrating effective code review practices.
  3. Implemented Material Design principles and adhering to UI design guidelines for creating visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces.
  4. Used TDD to ensure code robustness, along with UI testing using Espresso, and integrated Mockito for mocking dependencies.

ParentAps (Jul 2018 - May 2020)

  1. Implemented and maintained features such as food plans for children, child development curriculums to support comprehensive learning and growth initiatives, scheduling and weekly planning features to streamline childcare management, supporting phone and tablet screens.
  2. Implementing reactive programming with RxJava and integrating RESTful APIs using Retrofit.
  3. Integrated firebase Analytics,crashlytics, and remote configuration alongside appsflyer that contribute to successful campaigns.
  4. Implemented and maintained Gradle tasks and utilized CI/CD jenkins pipelines.

Trukto (May 2017 - May 2018)

  1. Led a team in delivering and maintaining user/driver apps for phone and tablet screens. designed and maintained an MVP app integrating socket.io for real-time vehicle location synchronization with server side, Maps API for location display, and Paymob for payments.

Android developer

Rent Centric, Inc (Nov 2016 - June 2017)

  1. Developed an MVC application for car rental and sharing, leveraging NFC technology for streamlined rental processes.
  2. Integrated aXMLRPC to connect with the server side, and implemented a car damage reporting feature utilizing phone camera and AWS SDK for photo uploads to Amazon S3 bucket, and Utilized NDK with ffmpeg for multimedia processing.

Junior Android developer

Pentavalue (Dec 2015 - Dec 2016)

  1. Played a role in enhancing the company's internal system, allowing for the creation of straightforward screen applications from server responses. Additionally, resolved bugs in company-owned apps across various industries including tourism and fleet management.

What They Say

Ahmed Hassan

(Founder & CTO at NET2DO)

Ahmed Hassan

"Mohamed worked in my team Trukto company as a Senior Android developer from May 2017 to May 2018. he wrote code for Mobile software. His responsibilities included requirements gathering, analysis and design of complex Mobile applications using a variety of technologies. During this period Mohamed proved himself to be a dependable employee and a hard worker with solid problem solving and technical skills. Mohamed ability to complete the work assigned to him on time and met deadlines. He welcome newcomers and resolve any problems they might have."

Ahmed Abdelhameed

(Principal Data Engineer At Integrant)

Ahmed Abdelhameed

"I know Mohamed as a hard working and very serious team player. he is a great Android developer, I worked with him in rentcentric company and he is very dedicated and oriented."

Nermeen Samir

(Senior Quality Control Engineer At Lagorta)

Nermeen Samir

"High quality and performance, good team worker , supportive and good manager for his work"

Muhammad Mahmoud

(Senior iOS developer At Arabian Systems)

Muhammad Mahmoud

"Mohammed is a very talented Android developer i have learned many things from him , He very commitment to his work it’s my pleasure to work with him."

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